Saturday, August 16, 2008

Minus The Hate, Plus The Love

Dalan Fellow Earthlings and Fluvians,

Last week I wrote about a website I found called This website was created for the purpose of reuniting Fluvians, and teaching earthlings about Fluvian culture and existence. I posted some remarks that were not pleasing to the Fluvians, and after being contacted by them I decided to delete that post for good. I am now apologizing to any Fluvian that I have offended.

The Fluvians believe that they are from the planet Fluvio, which is near the star we earthlings call "Al Nair." It can be found in the constellation Grus. They travel here by their ki (Spirit or Soul). This ki is intertwined with a human ki.

They are here to learn from us and teach us about how we can eliminate the hate, the crime, and the war that is found in our society. In no way are they invading us. In fact one thing they teach is that all are equal.

So fellow earthlings and fellow Fluvians may we continue to learn from each other and coexist in peace, love, and harmony. I do not make fun of anyone for their beliefs and I am sorry if my comments seemed that way. Humans and those from other planets have the right to believe what they want to believe.

May we continue to help those around us. May we continue to be loving and friendly to everyone we see.

Minus the Hate and Plus the Love.

May we all find Zithra. Whatever and wherever that might be.


Fluvian said...

Love back brother. May you find completeness, happiness. Earthier words.

Keep in touch.

Dan Kettle said...

Brian you still make me laugh man. Dude i would keel to have another jam sesh. It really has been a missing piece of the puzzle in my life now and not having our good hang outs. Miss ya tons man. ALOHA

little miss erika said...

all you need is love....da da dadadaaaa